About NUSS

Nano- and ultrafast sciences have enabled the optical control of coherent electron motion
 in solids on attosecond-femtosecond and angstrom-nanometer scales.
The resulting capabilities are expected to lead to petahertz
electronics devices. The workshop aims at 
enhancing the interaction between the ultrafast- and nanoscience communities,
to stimulate the emergence of new ideas and techniques at the crossroad of both fields. 
The workshop topics include Nanophotonics and -plasmonics, Laser Development
and (ultrafast) Surface Science. The workshop is embedded into the 
International Max Planck Research School of Advanced Photonics,
and the Munich Center for Advanced Photonics, and it is supported by
the Max Planck Society and by the LMUexcellent program,
which aims at enhancing interactions between researchers from
the LMU and the University of Tokyo. 

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